For Students

The Typical Classroom

Going to school was an indifferent experience for me; I attended the classes simply because I was asked to do so. Filled my notebooks and read my textbooks, as instructed. Marks were rewarded and soon enough, 12th Grade was over and I was done. I had the knowledge but had no understanding of methods to […]

For Students

Consistency, the key

It is a very dreadful word, I agree. Everyone speaks about it and it seems like a very important skill to have! The mistake here however is thinking of quantity over quality. Maybe 3 hours of learning every day at the same time for over a month is the magic formula that works for you. […]

For Schools/ Organization

A tale of books

Books have always been the go-to tool for information since humans knew how to write. All the information known to humankind has been stored in books and etched on walls. Thus, as the years passed our gurukuls adopted a mix of practical and theoretical lessons. When schools started coming up, the information got regulated, and […]

For Educators

Same class, different minds

Social media apps helped in establishing that kids now a days develop personalities and personas ever faster than before. They have way more information with them than ever before. The kids of today have opinions, speak their minds, express and are loud. This sounds like the perfect recipe for disaster in the classroom. Being an […]

For Students

Fun, Studies & Routine

Studies seem so boring and honestly, you do not have any idea how to go about it, do you? Well everyone gets a bit tired after a lot of lessons and essays and tests and it’s okay to feel so! Subjects can become very technical and for those out there who have an artistic bone, […]