For Schools/ Organization

The temples of education

Schools are regarded as temples of education. People who learn are respected and viewed as contributors to society. This might be why, every time I was in a classroom I felt intimidated by the promises and the pressures of it. Every single year, the race for that 1st rank got difficult and at some point, […]

For Educators For Schools/ Organization

Schools and Teachers

Math was painful, honestly. I dreaded that period every day. I break into a cold, hard sweat every time I am reminded of those classes even today. This resulted in me going for my phone calculator even for a simple calculation. However, I do have long lost fond memories of scoring top grades in math […]

For Schools/ Organization

A tale of books

Books have always been the go-to tool for information since humans knew how to write. All the information known to humankind has been stored in books and etched on walls. Thus, as the years passed our gurukuls adopted a mix of practical and theoretical lessons. When schools started coming up, the information got regulated, and […]