For Schools/ Organization

The temples of education

Schools are regarded as temples of education. People who learn are respected and viewed as contributors to society. This might be why, every time I was in a classroom I felt intimidated by the promises and the pressures of it. Every single year, the race for that 1st rank got difficult and at some point, I lost the motivation to achieve it. I remember spending countless numbers of hours in front of an open text. My mind always wandered away from the books. I didn’t know any other ways to learn other than reading. There was no awareness of learning methodologies or teaching methodologies. Teachers taught how they always did and most students resorted to reading and memorizing.

The advent of ed-tech promised different teaching tactics. Educators were armed with Wi-Fi-ready projector classrooms to show the students the incredible information treasure trove of the internet. These expectations were never met instead, the teachers received teaching modules with animated videos preloaded. Honestly in those projector classroom hours with the lights off and windows closed I often had the urge to bring some popcorn and coke as we had long benches to sit and lean back to.

Teaching methodologies when limited to just projectors and idle video narration, defeat the purpose of learning. The educator should be an active part of any methodology that he/she chooses to deploy in the classroom. Every summer break, while preparing for a new academic year, it’s important to do research on the latest teaching tips and tricks. The students today are way more mature and have more profound knowledge of how the world works. It is harder to grab their attention to education and information that is relevant.

The more we can streamline the education ecosystem, the more productive we can be and ensure better quality and more relevant information is delivered to the students. With this in mind, we have made an education eco-system that makes sure teachers, students, parents and management have equal say and transparency in what happens in school. Head over to BeTutelage for a free demo to understand how our school system helps in making schools actual temples of education.

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